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Honeycomb Medal Display System

Over the years we have received hundreds of requests for a Conqueror Medal Hanger and we finally have something that matches the beauty of our medals.

But finding the perfect solution was not simple… How can you display multiple medals together while emphasizing their details?

Our answer is a premium Honeycomb Medal Hanger system. This modular display system is designed to grow with your achievements.

Dimensions: 140 x 160 x 20 mm / 5,5 x 6,3 x 0,8 in

If you want to be one of the first that gets a Honeycomb Medal Hanger, then please use the button below to order. There is a very limited number of items and we think this will sell out instantly.

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Build Your Legacy – Piece By Piece

Turn your Medal Display into a Piece of Art

The blocks easily attach to the wall using 2 double sided tapes (no need for nails).

Each component also features a removable part that allows you to rearrange your medals as you wish without having to remove the main block from the wall.

The hexagon shape makes it easy to create awesome patterns. Are you ready to build your own honeycomb?

Showcase Your Hard-Earned Medals

In contrast to the normal medal hangers, the Honeycomb system makes each medal feel special — as it should.

Another advantage is that this wooden hanger looks good even if you’ve just recently started participating in challenges or races and only have a 2-3 medals.

How big do you want your Honeycomb to be?

10x Honeycomb Medal Hanger Pack

US $199.9 | UK £159.9 | EU €199.9

​​US $149.49 | UK £119.49 | EU €149.49

Get 25% OFF for:

10x Medal Hangers

Stylish and Modular Design

Quick Installation

Easy To Rearrange Your Collection

No Extra Tools Required

Order Now

​​5x Honeycomb Medal Hanger Pack

​​US $99.49 | UK £79.49 | EU €99.49

US $79.49 | UK £63.49 | EU €79.49

Get 20% OFF for:

5x Medal Hangers

Stylish and Modular Design

Quick Installation

Easy To Rearrange Your Collection

No Extra Tools Required

Order Now

3x Honeycomb Medal Hanger Pack

​​US $59.49 | UK £47.49 | EU €59.49

​​US $49.99 | UK £40.49 | EU €50.49

Get 15% OFF for:

3x Medal Hangers

Stylish and Modular Design

Quick Installation

Easy To Rearrange Your Collection

No Extra Tools Required

Order Now

1x Honeycomb Medal Hanger

US $19.99 | UK £15.99 | €19.99

US $19.99 | UK £15.99 | €19.99

1x Medal Hanger

Stylish and Modular Design

Quick Installation

Easy To Rearrange Your Collection

No Extra Tools Required

Order Now

Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions, we've got answers - let's do this!

How do I enter a distance towards the challenge?

You can log distances using two methods:

1) Manually - Either on the web or via our iPhone and Android apps. Select your exercise type, add a distance and boom, you’re done. You can add a screenshot of your tracker if you wish but it is not required.

2) Automatically – Via the range of apps and devices that we connect with. Currently we support: Apple Watch, Apple Health, Google Fit, Garmin, Fitbit, Strava, Map My Run, Map My Ride, Map My Walk, Runkeeper.

What's stopping someone from cheating?

We do have a number of ways that we can detect cheaters, however we do realise that no matter what we do or how we structure it people are always going to be able to cheat if that’s what they want to do. E.g. Put their Fitbit on their dog!

There are no prizes for first place.

If someone wants to cheat then they are only really cheating themselves and wasting their money.

How long does it takes to complete the full distance?

 The amount of time it will take you or your team to complete this journey depends on your fitness level, exercise type and team size. 

You can set your own timeframe goal from 1 week to 18 months to complete each challenge. This goal can be easily changed at any time if you want to extend or shorten it.

When can I register for the challenge?

You can start this fitness challenge any time and from any location around the world. Registrations are open now so feel free to sign up and make a start.

We’ve made it as flexible as possible so you can backdate your start date to whatever date you want as long as it’s after the date we launched the challenge.

Can I enter multiple challenges at once?

Yes - You can enter as many challenges as you like and post your distances to each of the challenges.

You can either post all your distances to all of your challenges or you can decide what types of distances go to which challenges. e.g. you might want to send your walking distances to one challenge and your cycling or swimming distances to another challenge. It's completetely up to you.


What types of exercise count?

You can log most types of distance based exercise such as running, walking, cycling, swimming, rowing etc. For other non distance based exercise such as yoga or cross fit, we have a handy conversion chart that converts time doing these activities into distance equivalents that you can use.

Can I log multiple exercise types?

Yes - You can log any distance based exercise that you do. The common ones that we have icons for are:

Running (indoor and outdoor)
Cycling (indoor and outdoor)

All others can be logged to the “other” category.

You can also convert other exercises such as sports that you play or going to the gym etc into distances. We can provide information on some ways to do this.

How long does the challenge go for?

You get to choose how many weeks you want to aim to complete the challenge from 1 week to 18 months. This goal can be easily changed at any time if you want to extend or shorten it.

And you can change this goal as many times as you like during the event.

How do teams work?

Teams are a fun way to take part in The Conqueror Virtual Fitness Challenges.

**Note that each team member is required to purchase their own entry into the challenge. Each team member will receive their own medal at the end**

Basically you share the distance with the other people in your team.

Your team will have your very own team icon on the map.

Each time a team member posts a distance your team icon will advance up the map.

Your team will also be represented on the leaderboard.

You (as in you personally) will also be able to see information about your own achievements and rankings separate from the team.

The distance doesn’t have to be divided evenly among team member. You can team up with guru athletes and people just starting out!

So hustle up your friends or workmates and join the fun!

From which countries do you accept entries from?

We warmly welcome entries from all over the world and we offer global shipping on medals and apparel.

On average we have people from over 80 countries from around the world enter our challenges each month!

Join our global community of virtual fitness enthusiasts!

How do I access the challenge once I've signed up?

The Conqueror Challenges are powered by My Virtual Mission which is our own web and mobile application that we started in 2013.
When you sign up for the challenge you will automatically be set up with a My Virtual Mission account where you can log in and access the challenge.

How much does it cost to enter?

Please view the pricing on the pricing table above.